The choice between the USP-S and the P2000 has been a topic of heated debate among CS:GO enthusiasts for quite some time. Professional gamers tend to favor the USP-S, while a dedicated group of players remains loyal to the P2000. With both weapons boasting similar damage capabilities, it’s no wonder that confusion surrounds their overall superiority. Determined to settle this ongoing discussion, the experts at Noobs2Pro embarked on a comprehensive examination and rigorous testing of both firearms. In this article, we leave no stone unturned as we provide you with all the essential details you need to make an informed decision. Get ready, because the definitive answer you’ve been seeking is just around the corner.

P2000: Tailored for Aggressive Playstyles

The P2000 is a versatile and reliable pistol in CS:GO, known for its suitability in aggressive playstyles. With its generous ammo capacity, players can engage in prolonged firefights without worrying about running out of bullets. The P2000 offers enhanced accuracy, making it a formidable weapon for mid and long-range engagements, where precise shots can tip the scales in your favor. Additionally, its higher magazine capacity allows for effective spamming of shots, providing sustained pressure on opponents. However, players must be cautious as the P2000’s loud firing sound can give away their position, especially in situations where stealth is crucial. Additionally, the gun flash produced by the P2000 is noticeable in smoke, potentially exposing your whereabouts. Mastering the P2000’s higher recoil may require practice, but once accustomed, it becomes a reliable tool in the hands of skilled players.

  • Pros: Ample Ammo Capacity. Enhanced Accuracy. Ideal for mid and long-range engagements. Suitable for spamming shots due to increased capacity.
  • Cons: Audible Noise makes it easier for opponents to detect your presence. Gun flash is noticeable in smoke, potentially revealing your position. Higher recoil necessitates prior practice for improved aiming proficiency.

USP-S: Ideal for Stealthy Long-Range Players

The USP-S is a highly favored pistol in CS:GO, particularly suited for players who prefer a stealthy and calculated approach. With its built-in silencer, this weapon provides a significant advantage by suppressing the sound of its shots, making it incredibly difficult for opponents to pinpoint your location based on sound alone. This makes the USP-S perfect for players who enjoy maintaining distance and engaging in long-range encounters. Furthermore, its effectiveness is amplified in smoky situations, as the suppressed shots make it almost impossible for enemies to determine the origin of the fire. The USP-S boasts lower recoil, enabling players to aim with precision and achieve headshots with minimal disruption. It shines in pistol rounds, excelling at one-tapping opponents. However, players should be mindful of its limited ammo capacity, which necessitates careful management. Additionally, while the USP-S exhibits slightly reduced accuracy at longer ranges, adopting a crouched position and maintaining stability can still result in accurate and impactful headshots.

character depicted with a weapon aiming to shoot
  • Pros: Silent operation for stealth and precision. Suppressed shots for sneaky, long-range play. Advantageous in smoky situations. Lower recoil enables accurate, consistent headshots. Strong performance in pistol rounds for one-taps. Prioritize headshots for optimal results.
  • Cons: Lower ammo capacity may lead to quicker depletion. Not suitable for spamming shots; requires calculated and precise shooting. Slightly reduced accuracy at longer ranges, but crouching and stability can still yield impressive headshots.

Statistical Comparison: USP-S vs P2000 in CS:GO

Accuracy Range22m24m
Armor Penetration101101

CS:GO Pros’ Preference: USP-S vs P2000

Professional gamers are drawn to the USP-S not only for its stability and headshot accuracy, but also for its impressive array of features that give them a competitive edge. One notable aspect is its controlled recoil, which allows players to maintain better control over their shots, even during intense firefights. The minimal spread of the USP-S further enhances its precision, ensuring that each bullet fired follows the intended path with unwavering accuracy. This level of reliability is crucial in high-pressure situations where split-second decisions can determine the outcome of a match. Moreover, the USP-S’s sleek and ergonomic design contributes to its popularity among professionals, as it fits comfortably in the hand and allows for quick and seamless transitions between targets. Whether it’s holding angles, peeking corners, or engaging in close-quarter combat, the USP-S provides professional gamers with a dependable tool that consistently delivers devastating headshots. Its unrivaled precision and reliability have solidified its position as a go-to weapon for those seeking the utmost advantage in crucial precision aiming scenarios.

On the other hand, the P2000 shines in scenarios that demand rapid fire and the ability to inflict significant damage in a short span of time. Its higher rate of fire and larger magazine capacity make it a reliable choice for players who rely on a more aggressive playstyle. However, despite these merits, the P2000 fails to secure a notable position on the popularity charts, as an overwhelming majority of 4.74% of professional players express their preference for the USP-S. This preference highlights the value placed by professionals on precision and consistency in their gameplay, as they aim to secure every advantage possible in their quest for victory. Nevertheless, it’s worth noting that there are still a few skilled players who opt for the P2000, demonstrating that personal playstyle and individual preferences play a role in weapon selection even among the most elite gamers.


The decision between the P2000 and the USP-S in CS:GO ultimately depends on your preferred playstyle and personal preferences. The P2000 offers a higher ammo capacity and enhanced accuracy, making it ideal for mid and long-range engagements. However, its audible noise and noticeable gun flash in smoke can compromise your position. On the other hand, the USP-S provides silent operation, allowing for sneaky and precise gameplay. Its lower recoil and excellent performance in pistol rounds make it a popular choice for one-tapping opponents. Consider your playstyle, recoil control, and the situations you often find yourself in to make an informed decision. Whether you opt for the P2000 or the USP-S, mastering the chosen pistol will greatly contribute to your success in CS:GO.